Custom print vinyl is an awesome way to bring your designs up to another level.m Using custom print htv is easy but there are a few extra steps than standard heat transfer vinyl. This guide will help guide you through all the steps using custom print heat transfer vinyl.
Step One: Cut your vinyl on the printed side of the vinyl. You will cut your design right reading. Always do a test cut to find the optimal cut setting for your cutter and blade. There should be scratch marks left on the liner if properly cut.
Do NOT mirror the image.

Step Two: Weed out the excess vinyl.

Step Three: Once weeded trim away from the rest of the sheet and apply Transfer Tape.
Once the tape is applied squeegee both side of the transfer to ensure a strong
hold to help lift the vinyl.

Step Four: Peel the back from the transfer tape to release the vinyl from the

Step Five: Place the transfer on the garment you are going to press.
Cover with a silicon or teflon sheet and press for 15 seconds at 300 degrees F.

Step 6: After pressing give the vinyl about 10 seconds to cool before you peel away the transfer tape. The shirt will now be done and ready to wear. Wash after 24 hours to let the glue fully settle.